Sunday, 1 July 2012

down the other side

Although I have written over seventy five thousand words in this my first co-written novel, I still get writer's block, which is apparently quite normal. Everytime I commence writing I sit at the computer for a few minutes, trying to mentally key into what's been happening in the story and how the characters are developing. It takes a few minutes to get into their world again, but then it opens up and they start to live their lives via the mechanical and electrical forces that work my brain and the computer.  However, if the writer's block extends beyond a few minutes it turns into low level panic fuelled by the question, 'What am I going to write?'
I used to think that about writing anything as big as a novel. Then it was, 'Where will I get all those words from?'  That's hard to answer, as they come from the some of the instrinsic meanings aquired sub-consciously from life's experiences. Lots of other words come from deliberately planned material. Altogether I hope they make a story that not only reveals many neglected or previously distorted historical facts but that also inspires readers from all walks of life.

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